19 August 2021

Family Arts Online Conference 2021 – booking now open!national family arts online

Exploring the value of arts and culture for families, and how the sector can recover, re-build and refocus post-pandemic

The UK’s largest family arts and culture conference goes online, exploring the value of family engagement and how we can communicate that value to families, funders and the wider cultural sector.

Family Arts Campaign invites you for two days of information-rich sessions, lively discussion and energising key-notes. Connect with arts professionals from your region and across the UK, learn from peers making a big impact, and be inspired by the creativity and resilience of the arts and cultural sector.

“An enriching and enlivening day. It brought me fresh enthusiasm for the sector I work in and I left buzzing with ideas. So great to hear from so many others with the same passions (not to mention very similar obstacles).”

– past Family Arts Conference delegate

Who is the event for?

This event is aimed at leaders, creators, marketers, practitioners, programmers and anyone working with families and older audiences.

Content across the day will be relevant to representatives from across the cultural sector, including museums and libraries.

Further details:

This event will take place online and the full schedule will be available nearer the time, including key notes, discussions and talks.

Conference tickets also include entry to the online Fantastic for Families Awards ceremony, where you’ll discover the winners of:

– Best Family Arts Activity

– Best Age-Friendly Outreach

– Audience Impact and Innovation Award


All tickets include:
· Entry to 2 x full days of the online conference
· Access to all event recordings and resources
· Invitation to attend the online Fantastic for Families Awards Ceremony on 16th November 2021

Individual Ticket Prices:
Full Price Ticket: £99 (+VAT)
Freelancer/Small Org* Ticket: £75 (+VAT)

Team Ticket Prices:
Organisation Team Ticket
4 people: £350 (+VAT) / 5 people: £425 (+VAT)
Small Organisation* Ticket
4 people: £260 (+VAT) / 5 people: £310 (+VAT)

*Small organisations are any classed as a “micro entity” by HMRC (e.g. has 10 or fewer employees)

A limited number of bursaries are available, which you can find out about on our bursary page.

Stay Connected:

Keep up to date with all the conference announcements by following us on Twitter and LinkedIn and joining our Facebook Community Group.

Don’t forget, you can find resources, case studies and research to help you engage with families here on familyarts.co.uk, where we also welcome you to sign up to our newsletter.


Book Tickets Now