Welcome to Fantastic for Families

Celebrating family-friendly and age-friendly Arts and Cultural providers!

We’ve transformed Fantastic for Families into a place where you can discover the best venues, organisations and arts providers that are fantastic for families and older people!

Discover eye-bogglingly brilliant theatres, galleries, dance companies, libraries, concert halls, museums and more! You can find out who won the Fantastic for Families Awards 2023 and use the Directory to find fantastic organisations near you…

While we no longer advertise specific events / activities, we will be promoting our directory members to families via our social media channels and newsletters.

Fantastic for Families

Find fantastic arts providers,
organisations and venues
across the UK

Fantastic for Families
Awards 2023

Discover the 7 inspiring
winners of the 2023

For Families…

Stay updated on the Fantastic for Families Awards, discover brilliant organisations and events!

We’d love to know about your favourite arts providers and organisations. You can share your own venue visits and creative experiences with #FantasticforFamilies

For Organisations…

Engaging families in arts, culture and creative opportunities?

Check out our sector Support Site, discover how to become accredited with the Family Arts Standards or Age-Friendly Standards quality mark and join our directory.